Friday, May 18, 2007

Kids paying their parents taxes?!?

According to a recent ClickZ article (Kids' Chores Turn Wired) posted 14 May 2007, 14 percent of kids aged 8-14 have helped parents prepare their income tax return online. They also have helped with online banking, sharing pictures via email with relatives, looking up movie listings, responding to invitations, party and vacation planning, travel, and getting driving directions. Parents seem to be assigning "online chores" as a "healthy outlet;" a way to control their online time and monitor the sites they are visiting, such as MySpace. Kids spend an average of 3 hours per day online... what happened to playing wiffle ball in the back yard and riding bikes?!?!? LOL


ryan said...

you can already see it happening from backtaxes to backyards - Most parents would sooner play 360 with their kids then actually dig the gloves out of the shed. and considering-
between the pace of our society, reliance on emerging network technology, and the parental generation's resistance to change, the techno-hip youth culture will assuredly supply the neccesary bridge to keep the old connected.

Jessica Lyn said...

WOW... that's all I have to say! Well put, Ryan!