Friday, May 18, 2007

Cheers Alex!!!

I thought that my last post on "class material" would be best described by saying CHEERS to Alex Brown for a great semester and congrats to all of my classmates that are graduating!! I believe that I have acquired the most useful information from THIS class and I am sure it will come in handy in the future! You were a great professor and I wish you the best of luck in all you do!!! Thanks!!

Ryan Isbert's blog

Ryan's blog looks pretty awesome after all the work he has put into it! The pictures add a lot of color and depth to the blog itself and his commentary was quite informative. I think it was interesting to read and I enjoyed the content!!

Trunk Bay Wikipedia wrap-up

Trunk Bay was the first article that I worked on in Wikipedia. It took a while for me to feel comfortable with the formatting and use of Wikipedia but after quite a few edits to this article, I grew accostomed to the work. The picture that I added is finally up there for good and the information I have added to the content section has not been touched, although I have just added a reference upon Wikipedia's request! This article is still very short, but it feels good to have my information still posted!

Sloppy Joe's Wikipedia wrap-up

The edits that I have made to the Wikipedia article on Sloppy Joe's have not been altered!! I have added information to locations, general information and the entire mixed drink menu and no one has touched it! This article is not heavily edited but it feels pretty good to still see my work on the article!!

Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville Wikipedia wrap-up

The Wikipedia article on Jimmy B's Margaritaville was a pretty awesome to edit. None of the edits I made throughout the semester have been deleted or altered, including the 3 pictures I added! Although this article is not heavily edited, I think it's pretty awesome that my work has stuck.... for now!!!

ALS Wikipedia wrap-up

The edits I have made to the Wikipedia article on ALS throughout the semester have been altered only to my benefit. I added the forms of research a few weeks ago and another member fixed it to look presentable. My edits have stayed in tact although this article is heavly edited and worked on.

ALS Wikipedia edit

I just made minor edits to the Wikipedia article on ALS under the "Epidemiology, causes and risk factors" and "Etiology" sections. My first of minor edits but continuity is necessary!

Classmate blog postings

The following are links to posts I have made on classmates' blogs:
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
Number 6

Kids paying their parents taxes?!?

According to a recent ClickZ article (Kids' Chores Turn Wired) posted 14 May 2007, 14 percent of kids aged 8-14 have helped parents prepare their income tax return online. They also have helped with online banking, sharing pictures via email with relatives, looking up movie listings, responding to invitations, party and vacation planning, travel, and getting driving directions. Parents seem to be assigning "online chores" as a "healthy outlet;" a way to control their online time and monitor the sites they are visiting, such as MySpace. Kids spend an average of 3 hours per day online... what happened to playing wiffle ball in the back yard and riding bikes?!?!? LOL

Friday, May 11, 2007

Sloppy Joe's Wikipedia edit

I just added "Sloppy Joe's is open 365 days a year from 9:00am-4:00am Monday through Saturday and noon-4:00am Sundays. They have a food menu, inluding wraps, sandwiches, fish, shrimp, pizza and salads as well as an extensive alcoholic beverage menu, including the mixed drinks listed below. Adjacent to the bar/restaurant resides the retail shop where various novelty items, such as t-shirts and hats, can be purchased" to the Wikipedia article on Sloppy Joe's.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Margaritaville Wikipedia edit

I just made an edit to the Wikipedia article on Jimmy B's Margaritaville. I added the foods/spirits section including "With the great popularity of the Margaritaville brand name, a line of tequila, margarita mixers, and frozen seafood and chicken meals have been created for purchase either through the Margaritaville website or local retailers." A margarita sounds really good right about now!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

The Hollywood Gossip blog roundup

I was reading up on the Hollywood Gossip tonight and thought I would share a couple stories that were in the "news" recently:

1. The MTV Movie Awards will air June 3rd, and recenlty nominations have been all the buzz!For the Best Movie category the nominees are as follows:
Blades of Glory
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
(Click herefor a list of other nominees.)

2.Elisabeth Hasselbeck is Preggers! I don't know if anyone watches The View but after my boyfriend and I speculating, our prediction was confirmed!! Elisabeth and her husband, NY Giants Tim Hasselbeck are ecpecting their second child! Congrats!!

3. Lastly, anyone watch The Bachelor on ABC Monday night? Tina and Steph W. were sent home and Bevin, Tessa, Amber and Danielle were given roses. I have been pulling for Tessa since the beginning so I hope things go well with her family when she takes Andy home!! ... oh... please don't judge me... the Bachelor is a guilty pleasure I am willing to admit I have!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Sloppy Joe's Wikipedia edit

I just added "Sloppy Joe's also has two other locations: Ft. Lauderdale, FL and Treasure Island, FL" to the Wikipedia article on Sloppy Joes. Looks like the mixed drink menu that I added a couple weeks ago is still there!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Adsense added!

I just added Google adsense to my blog! YAY!! Was anyone having issues with adding a search bar? This was not as easy as I thought it would be!

Diggin it (class comment)

After our discussion in class today, I thought I would check out this site which I knew nothing about called I actually thought it was pretty awesome. The most "newly popular" story regarded the rising gas prices, which broke $3 per gallon on national average this week. The article claimed that gas prices have risen 25% since 01 January 2007 and 10% in only the last month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to get a hybrid because my broke self can't afford these prices!! Current prices in the Newark, DE area can be found at and are on the borderline of hitting $3.

Overall, the site is pretty cool and I thought it was neat to watch how quickly the HOT stories received diggs!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Margaritaville Wikipedia edit

I just added another picture to the Wikipedia article on Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville... the one of the ceiling painted like the eye of a hurricane in Key West. This place is pretty awesome and I wish I was down there right now!

Anyone see the Phills game last night? Utley's homer and Ruiz's single for the W?! Ashame they're down right now...

Friday, April 20, 2007

stiuqxela race...

So I do a Google search for stiuqxela every so often and as of a few minutes ago, my blog was on the second page of results, just under Lauren Pittaro's blog. Hope everyone has found their blog on the search results for stiuqxela!!

stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela stiuqxela

Thursday, April 19, 2007

ALS Wikipedia edit

I just added the "research" section to the Wikipedia article on ALS. I found all of this information on ALS Association website under the "Research" tab.

Oh yea... anyone see the Phill's game today? Finally another W... what a horrible start this season. :(

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Don Imus - Global Neighbourhoods

Ok so now that the Don Imus scandal has died down, I thought I would comment on Shel Israel's insight on the broad picture. On his blog Global Neighbourhoods (12 April 2007), Shel had a few words to say about the technological and cultural relations to this incident. I liked how he wished the outcome of the event would have happened in a simpler fashion: "I would have hoped that people would have listened to this shock jock for a minute or two and decide for themselves that this guy offers nothing but drivel and crap and would have walked away, making Imus lacking in value to sponsors and broadcast networks to begin with." His best line was,"Market revulsion is the best censor." Neglecting to draw attention to the act of ignorance WOULD have been the best way to react.

I believe that CBS had every right in letting Don go if he was not ethically and morally representing their company. However, he is known to be controversial and they should have seen this coming. On behalf of Don, what about his rights under the 1st amendment? I am by NO means defending his words, but every story has 2 sides.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville 1st Wikipedia edit

I just made my first Wikipedia edit to the article on Margaritaville. I added "In 1985, Buffett opened the first of the "Margaritaville" restaurants in Key West. In 2002, Buffett expanded his business ventures by opening his first Cheeseburger in Paradise Restaurant" as well as the two photos under the Restaurant and Store Locations section.

I guess my wikipedia edits prove that I LOVE warm weather! I hope to move down to Florida after graduation! I hate the weather up here!!

Ohhhh yea... make sure you check out stiuqxela. I am not a big Packers fan (I love Philly teams... Phillies and Eagles), I would love to see how high I can get in the Google and Yahoo! search results for stiuqxela!!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Sloppy Joe's Wikipedia edit

I just made my first Wikpedia edit to the Sloppy Joe's article. Sloppy Joe's is a bar/restaurant on Duval Street in Key West and is pretty awesome. I added the mixed drink menu from their website and included a reference.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Stiuqxela, stiuqxela, stiuqxela... oh what can this be?!?!

Well, being that I didn't fully explain the stiuqxela experiment in my last post, I thought that it would make more sense to describe what stiuqxela actually represents. The term "stiuqxela" is a word Prof Brown made up for an experiment. Each student is supposed to blog about stiuqxela and link that word to the Green Bay Packers website. The goal of the experiment is to be ranked numero uno in a Google search of stiuqxela and to also have the Packers website appear in the search results of stiuqxela. Sooooo Google stiuqxela and see what comes up... Has anyone tried to pronounce stiuqxela? Innnnteresting!! Good luck with the stiuqxela experiment!! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

stiuqxela experiment

Soooooo... as per Prof Brown's search engine experiment here is our new word stiuqxela. I hope it works!!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Trunk Bay Wikipedia Entry

I tried one more time to add my own picture to the Trunk Bay Wikipedia article. You can view the Image and my copyright here. I hope that Wikipedia doesn't take it down again!! I ignored their warning about copyright. Hope I did what they wanted! Here is the Trunk Bay article.

Google vs. Viacom (class comment)

Right before our exam we discussed the suit Viacom filed against Google's YouTube on the 13th of March. I liked the debate we had in class, although I can understand both sides of the story. However, it is not acceptable that Google bears no responsibility over the content which is put up on YouTube. Wikipedia has very strict regulations on their site regarding copyright issues. They give you a small amount of time to prove the copyright and if it is not acceptable, they delete the content. Now, does that mean that Google is trying to profit off of these illegally posted video clips? That seems to be the only logical explanation. With the technology we have today, there is not reason why Google doesn't follow similar practices to Wikipedia. I guess civil action might rush their technological advancements to keep out pirated clips.

"Spam, the Law, and E-mail Marketers " from ClickZ

I thought this article about e-mail spam was interesting because we were just talking about phishing and such. Derek said that spam makes up 70-90% of all e-mail sent!! That's crazy!! He went on to show that this happens to everyone and that just one of their small servers receives just over 200,000 spam emails per week, up from 40,000 per week 6 months ago. How are ISP's and e-mail access providers able o keep up with this craze?! I like how they try to filter, but then sometimes the guard is so high that they filter out things that e-mails WANT to see. for example, my whole family has an e-mail list and we send like 60 e-mails to everyone on the list each day. A lot of times, some of my family doesn't get my messages when I "reply all" because their ISP or e-mail access provider thinks that I am a spammer!!!! Geez... what is there to do??

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I love celeb gossip....

So I just added a blog feed to my bloglines account and it's For some crazy reason, my family and I thrive on celebrity gossip and we are always emailing about the latest news! This will help me get the latest breaking news!! :)

Comment regarding Nick Baldini's post about SKYPE

I just read Nick's post about SKYPE's new '"community-generated guide" to businesses' for their users. The only time I have ever been exposed to SKYPE was in our class and I don't really know much about the company. However, the idea of bringing small business owners to a "meeting place" to share their knowledge for a fee seems logical when looking at how successful the company has been thus far. I also didn't know that they were owned by eBay... thought that was interesting!

Required Blog #1-Story behind Facebook’s new security guy

I just read a Scobleizer blog post from Saturday about Facebook (link). I know that I am probably nieve but the idea of ANYONE being able to retrieve my information scares me. It is kind of interesting that Facebook actually hired one of their hackers. I mean, at least they are making the best of the situation. I can only imagine how many other companies use this tactic.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Wikipedia edit: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

I just made an edit to the article about ALS on Wikipedia. In the Resources section, I added, "In addition, the ALS Association holds an annual event called The Walk to D'Feet ALS where walkers raise awareness and money for patient services programs and research. " Here is the link. There is a walk on September 29, 2007 in Ocean City, New Jersey that my family and I plan on attending because my Grandfather is suffering from the disease. If you don't have anyting to do that Saturday you should come out!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Trunk Bay Wikipedia

So I checked out Trunk Bay in Wikipedia to see if my picture and I received a message, notifying me that I don't have a copyright tag on my picture. So I went into the image and added "Photographed by: Jessica Williams" although I have no idea if that's what I am supposed to do. Anyone have an idea? Here's the link:

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Phishing comment

Yesterday in class we were discussing phishing and how it can affect businesses online. I pay most of my bills online, one of them being my credit card. With online fraudulent activities on the rise, my credit card company has increasingly been adding features to protect their customers' privacy. I was asked to choose 4 different random questions to answer initially. Now, each time I make a payment or changes to my account, I am prompted to answer one question. I think that this can get annoying but is extremely important to protect online customers from identity theft.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

1st Wikipedia edit: Trunk Bay

I just made my first edit on by adding my own photo to the article on Trunk Bay. I went on a cruise over winter session and one of the places we got to visit was Trunk Bay in St. John, VI. It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been so I thought I would add one of my pics to the article! Here is the link: (It's the one taken from the beach.)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Purpose of this blog

I am currently taking BUAD477 at UD where we will be studying the impact of information technologies on marketing strategies and practice. Blogging is an excelent way for consumers to voice their opinions without any limitation to what they can or cannot say. In turn, it can have a great impact on the way companies carry out their business in order to cater to what their customers desire.

Here is a link to our class website/blog:

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Intro Blog

This is my first post and BRRRR it's cold in Delaware... I wish that I was here. :)